Your basement is easily the most vulnerable area of your home when it comes to flooding, and as a homeowner in the Chicagoland area, you can have a flooding issue on your hands at any point throughout the year. Whether you’re dealing with excess water from storms, leaking washing machines or water heaters, or an overflowing sump pump, it’s important to tackle the problem as quickly as possible.

And that brings us to the main question: can you prevent getting a flooded basement with a sump pump? 

The answer: Yes!

That said, it’s even more important to maintain your sump pump to ensure it doesn’t overflow over time. Bishop Plumbing has been in the plumbing business for over 100 years, which means you can count on us to provide the best advice for maintaining your home. That’s why we’ve compiled some good information about basement flooding, sump pump services, and more.

Let’s dive in!

What Does a Sump Pump Do?

First things first, you should know exactly what a sump pump is and how it works—even if you’ll be relying on a plumbing company to install and maintain it. 

A sump pump is installed in a home—typically at the lowest point of the structure—to automatically pump water out of your home and away from your home’s foundation once it reaches a certain level.

By collecting this excess water, sump pumps will help keep your property dry through the wettest and rainiest times of the year. Since sump pumps help keep you basement dry, they also protect from mold and mildew growth over time. 

How Can You Maintain Your Sump Pump?

The best thing you can do to keep your sump pump in working order is to do an annual maintenance checkup. This is especially important as winter comes to a close and the weather starts to warm up. Ideally, you should make sure your sump pump is in working order before all the snow melts.

Some easy maintenance tips you can follow include:

  • Clearing Debris from the Basin
  • Inspecting the Check Valve
  • Cleaning the Impeller/Ejector Pump
  • Adding Battery Backup Pumps

…and more! 

Who Can You Turn to for Help?

Basement flooding is a common issue, but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for dealing with it throughout the year. For decades, Bishop Plumbing has been a professional plumbing company serving homeowners throughout the Chicagoland area, and we’re confident we can help with all your plumbing needs

Whether you have more questions about sump pumps, or you need your home serviced, you can turn to us for the best information and services. Reach out to chat with a professional or fill out our online form to schedule a free appointment today.